Onboarding then credentialing then...

Joining your organization shouldn't be hard, but chances are it looks like this

A typical path to onboarding & compliance

The average time to get a contractor or sub up and running on your team is months

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We Make Connecting Easy

Sublynk combines your onboarding & credentialing into a single experience

Sublynk solutions in a pinwheel, showing all processes involved in connecting between professionals, unified in SublynkAll components of connecting & doing business together between contractors or networks

We bring a solution to your network & subs that gives you a 360 degree view of the businesses you partner with

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Time Is Money

Turn a traditionally long & painful process into one completed in a day

An easier path for contractors that is done in 1 dayNew contractor connection journey that is simple and completed in a day

Reduce your onboarding & credentialing time from months to days, getting your partners to work, and revenue, faster

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Simplicity & Efficiency

A modern tool to help you establish trust & visibility across your network

Easy Credential Management

Your network can easily manage their credentials, licenses, and insurance

Active certifications showing active and expiration dates
Clear Requirements

You and your network know exactly what is needed, why, and how to stay compliant

Detailed program requirements based on where and what type of work you do
Dynamic Programs

Dynamically assemble contracts & requirements for your pros

Detailed insurance requirements listed by policy type
Fast Background Checks

Satisfy all major carrier requirements & get your report in 3 days or less

Order background check action screen
Chat and email support

Our team is responsive, proactive and will help quickly

Live chat modal for customer support

Questions & Answers

Everything you need to know

What is Sublynk?

Sublynk is a modern user-friendly platform that helps the restoration industry automate and streamline their B2B connectivity. We help restoration companies grow by reducing the average time for onboarding & compliance by 90%

Who is Sublynk for?

Managed Repair Networks, Franchises, Direct Repair Programs, TPAs, Restoration Owners, and Subcontractors. Anyone who works in the restoration industry and has to go through onboarding & compliance tasks with their network partners

How does Sublynk work?

We take your onboarding and compliance flows and simplify them. Sublynk helps its customers by transforming the process that often requires months to complete, that everyone dreads, and turn it into a simple task that can be completed in minutes. We think onboarding & credentialing should be fast so you can get to work

How does this help my business grow?

Whether you are a Managed Repair Network, Restoration Owner, or a Subcontractor you're limited by how fast you can connect with other companies in restoration. Before you can grow with a new partner you have to sign contracts, fill out questionnaires, COI's, Certifications, Licenses, etc. The average time for most companies in restoration to complete these tasks and get to work is months. Sublynk turns this process into a few minutes of work and a few business days of time, getting everyone to work faster

What about carriers & programs not on the Sublynk platform?

Our customers use Sublynk to help them gain compliance faster on other platforms. Our system enables you to keep your credentials ready to go for anyone who needs them, even if they aren't using Sublynk. Our background checks are lightning fast and meet all carrier requirements. You can use our platform to make our competitors lives easier, we don't mind as long as it helps you grow!